Often people get confused between Curd (dahi), Yogurt (yoghurt/yogourt/yoghourt), their consumption and benefits as both are cultured milk products with a dense and creamy texture. There are one set of people who even considered Curd and Yogurt as same or synonym to each other. Although, these two products are made from milk and looks almost same, there are many differences between them.
Generic Difference :
- Ingredients – The Curd is made by souring milk with lactic acid bacteria whereas Yogurt is combination of lactic acid bacteria, sugars, and proteins having a gel-like texture and sour taste. The amount of bacteria in yoghurt is significantly higher as compared to curd.
- Preparation – Curd can be prepared easily in kitchen. However, Yogurt is fermented with artificial acids and calculated portion of lactobacillus and streptococcus bacteria (used as a probiotic), it usually cannot be prepared in kitchen.
Which is more beneficial or healthier? – Nutritional Aspect
The most important question that must be answered, which one is beneficial or healthier? The answer is quite simple, both are equally healthy and have nutritional benefits but with some dissimilarities.
- Yogurt is a good source of calcium, phosphorus, protein, vitamin (B12, B2, B5), molybdenum, zinc, potassium, iodine and pro-biotic. It helps boost the immune system, maintains the blood pressure levels, protects nerves from damage, heart function, metabolism, weight loss result to which person lives healthy and long life.
- Yogurt does not produce the allergy that is caused by lactose hence it is highly preferred for lactose-intolerant individuals.
- Yogurt is thicker than Curd (dahi) with milder taste and has a higher protein concentration
- Curd is nutritious and a rich source of protein, fat, carbohydrate in form of lactose. It also contains vitamin (A, B1,B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, E, K, Folate), calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, fluoride, selenium, saturated and monounsaturated fat.
- Curd also contain a healthy content of probiotics, beneficial for immune system, gut health. Also, it strengthens the bones and teeth.
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